images-2The Tohatchi UPC Ladies Ministry meets every other month for fellowship, devotions, and prayer meetings.  Please see calendar for scheduled dates.  Our Ladies Ministry Director is Sis. Julia Masingale.

Mother’s Memorial

Mothers Memorial is the annual offering campaign of Ladies Ministries and it begins on March 1. Mothers Memorial supports numerous ministries of the UPCI with a special focus on North American Missions and Global Missions.
In the last 15 years, over $5,000,000 has been given to foreign student support, resulting in training thousands of men and women in Global Missions.
The past few years there has been a focus on funding North American Missions:
  • Missionary training
  • Emergency finances
  • Prison ministries
  • Multicultural Ministries
When you give to Mothers Memorial, your dollars touch unborn babies as well as abused and abandoned children around the world.
Here’s how you can be involved:
  • Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to take an offering to support Mothers Memorial.
  • Each pastor encourages the congregation to be aware of the far-reaching effects of giving to Mothers Memorial.
  • Pastors can use promotional materials provided in the Resources section below.
  • More information is available from